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. 期刊論文-英文SCI & SSCIIF in 2011 JCR Web

1. Chou FH, Chen PC, Liu R, Ho CK, Tsai KY, Ho WW, Chao SS, Lin KS, Shen SP, Chen CC. A comparison of quality of life and depression between female married immigrants and native married women in Taiwan. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2010; 45(9):921-30. (SSCI) (SSCI, IF: 2.696 ; Category: Psychiatry: Ranking: 34/117 ;SCI: 51/130)

2. Su CY, Tsai KY, Chou FH*, Ho WW, Liu RY, Lin WK. A three-year follow-up study of the psychosocial predictors of delayed and unresolved post-traumatic stress disorder in Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake survivors. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2010; 64(3):239-48. (correspondent author) (SCI) (SCI, IF: 2.133; Category: Psychiatry, Ranking: 70/130; Category: Clinical Neurology, Ranking: 94/191; Category: Neurosciences, Ranking: 165/243 )

3. Su CY, Chou FH, Tsai KY, Lin WK. The Establishment of a Standard Operation Procedure for Psychiatric Service after an earthquake. Disasters 2011;35 (3):587-605. (SSCI) (SSCI, IF: 0.692; Category: Planning & Development: Ranking: 36/54 )

4. Chou FH, Tsai KY, Su CY, Lee CC*. The incidence and relative risk factors for developing cancer among patients with schizophrenia: a nine-year follow-up study. Schizophr Res 2011; 129(2-3):97-103. (SCI & SSCI) (IF: 4.748; SCI: Category: Psychiatry: Ranking: 18/130; SSCI: Category: Psychiatry, Ranking:11/117)

5. Tsai KY, Lee CC, Chou YM, Su CY, Chou FH*. The incidence and relative risk of stroke in patients with schizophrenia: A five-year follow-up study. Schizophr Res 2012; 138(1):41-7. (IF: 4.748; SCI: Category: Psychiatry: Ranking: 18/130; SSCI: Category: Psychiatry, Ranking:11/117)

6. Chou FH*, Tsai KY, Chou YM. The incidence and all-cause mortality of pneumonia in patients with schizophrenia: A nine-year follow-up study J Psychiatr Res 2013; 47: 460-466. (IF: 4.664, Category: Psychiatry; SCI Ranking: 19/129; SSCI Ranking: 12/117)

7. Tsai KY$, Chung TC$, Lee CC, Chou YM, Su CY, Shen SP, Lin CH, Chou FH*. Is low individual socioeconomic status (SES) in high-SES areas the same as low individual SES in low-SES areas: a 10-year follow-up schizophrenia study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2013; Jun 2. [Epub ahead of print] (SSCI) $shared 1st author with Dr. Tsai (SSCI, IF: 2.861 ; Category: Psychiatry: Ranking: 34/117 ;SCI: 50/130)

. 期刊論文-中文(或國內)

1. Lin YH, Tsai K, Chou FH*Amisulpride implicated in the onset of tardive dyskinesia in a man who previously took sulpiride. T.S.M H Medical Nursing Journal 2009; 135-40.(Full text in Chinese with English abstract) (correspondent author)

2. Tsai KY, Su CY, Chou FH*, Lin KC, Lin WK, Liu RY, Chen WJ, Ho WW, Shen SP. Models to Predict Unresolved Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSS) in Earthquake Survivors: Comparison of CART and LogisticRegression. Taiwan J Psychiatry 2010;24:30-40. (correspondent author) (Full text in English with Chinese abstract) (TSSCI).

3. Liu R, Tsai K, Chou FH, Ho WW, Chen WJ, Chen CC. The Characteristics of Severe Mentally Ill Patients Who Need Forced Hospitalization before and after the Amended Mental Health Act in Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 24:131-9. (Full text in English with Chinese abstract ) (TSSCI)